Every Which way but Loose
Hello there,
Well its been a very busy time of late, we're back in Glasgow for a couple of weeks before we go off globetrotting again. We've been all over the shop, UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Spain, Germany, Sweden. Every Which Way But Loose (only without an orangutang). Aiports and Planes, Minibuses, lots of travelling, lots of waiting around. People often say to me, "Gav", they say, "How do you all cope with all the travellling and waiting about?" "Celebrity Lookalikes" i reply.
Celebrity lookalikes is the most fun you can have in an airport/any place that you have to wait about where there are other people. You can probably guess from the name what the point of the game is. Spot people who look like someone famous. Its not about getting a spitting image, its more about seeing someone who looks a bit like someone famous and has particular features that makes you think of said famous person, often more like a caricature of the celebrity. You then turn round discretely and say, "Check out *insert celebrity lookalike here*" And theres the fun, everyone you are with looks about to try and spot the celebrity lookalike. If you get spotted looking by the celebrity lookalike its a bit of a brassneck, but once you start, its compulsive stuff. Many laughs have been had by us playing this game over the years, so have a go at it, i guarantee you will enjoy it.
Have fun.... Gav